Guernsey Friends of Biberach

Newsletter, April 2007

As the date of our AGM is approaching, I would like to keep you up-dated on our activities during the past year.

It has been quite a busy year arranging a number of visits and events.

During the summer months one young lady from Biberach spent three months on work experience with the Environment Department which had been organised with the help of the Careers’ Service. Subsequently Biberach has also offered to find work experience placements for young people from Guernsey in the future.

In August the St Martin’s Boys Choir paid a second visit to Guernsey. They gave two concerts, one in St Stephen’s and one in the Town Church which were both very well attended. It had been quite a challenge to find accommodation for the 50 boys. Thank you to all of you who responded to my call for help and put up some boys for the two nights. At the same time some Red Cross cadets from Biberach spent a camping holiday in Guernsey. They teamed up with St John’s Ambulance cadets and a visit to Biberach is planned for 2008.

In September a group of former deportees travelled to Biberach and were hosted by our friends there. A more detailed report is attached.

2007 marks the 10th anniversary of our friendship with Biberach. The Bailiff and a group of representatives of our government, Churches Together and Friends of Bib era ch have been invited to attend part of the Biberach Schutzenfest celebrations in July this year.

In September this year a group of about 30 Biberach citizens are planning to spend a week in the island. They will be staying at Les Cotils from I st to 7th September. Do let us know if you are interested to be involved and meet up with them.


Tom Remfrey, RIP

27 August 2024


23 April - Liberation Day for Deportees

21 May 2024


Making beautiful music in Biberach

7 November 2023


The taste of Guernsey in Biberach

17 May 2023


German Course in Biberach, 03-08 July

3 May 2023